Committee of Insurance, Securities
and Non-Banking Financial Authorities




CISNA Vision and Mission


“A financially stable region with a harmonised regulatory and supervisory framework for Non-Banking Financial Institutions.”


“To promote financial stability by effectively and efficiently championing a process of collaboration, engagement and co-ordination between the NBFI regulators and stakeholders through policy research, capacity building and market development initiatives”

The Committee of Insurance, Securities and Non-Banking Financial Authorities (CISNA) was established in 1998, pursuant to Annexure 10 of the SADC Protocol on Finance and Investment as a committee of authorities responsible for the supervision of insurance, securities, and non-banking financial institutions (NBFI) in SADC Member States. CISNA is part of the Directorate of Finance, Investment and Customs of the SADC Secretariat and reports to the SADC Committee of Ministers of Finance and Investment through the Committee of Senior Treasury Officials.

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