Any organ or entity responsible for the regulation and supervision of NBFIs in a SADC Member State. NBFI means any provider of non-bank financial services, including financial advisory and intermediation services, collective investment schemes, capital markets, insurance institutions, medical schemes, retirement funds, microfinance and financial cooperatives.
An application for admission as a Member Authority must be made in writing to the CISNA Secretariat, in the prescribed format.
Once an application for admission has been approved by the Governance Council, the applicant shall be a Member Authority when it has paid the required membership fee and signed the Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MMoU) with CISNA.
CISNA membership comprises Authorities responsible for the regulation and supervision of non-banking financial institutions in their respective jurisdictions within the SADC region
A Member Authority shall have the right to participate in the affairs of CISNA. This right may be exercised through a representative who must be a person that is employed by that Member Authority. Member Authorities commit to pursue the objects of CISNA, endeavor to implement CISNA standards, taking into account specific jurisdictional and market circumstances, and undergo periodic self-assessments and peer reviews.
Head of Authority: Mrs Vanessa Simões
Sectors being Supervised: Securities market; Auditors and financial analysts; Other persons exercising activities related to securities issue, distribution, trading, registration and deposit
Head of Authority: Dr Elmer Serrão
Sectors being Supervised: Insurance, Reinsurance, Retirement Funds and Intermediaries
Head of Authority: Mr Oduetse Motshidisi
Sectors being Supervised: Capital Markets, Insurance, Medical Aids, Retirement Funds and Lending Activities which include pawnshops. The Authority also ensures that the NBFI sector complies with local and international obligations for Anti-Money Laundering and Combatting the Financing of Terrorism & Proliferation (AML/CFT&P)
Head of Authority:
Sectors being Supervised:
Head of Authority: Mrs. Moipedi Nkoane
Sectors being Supervised: Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies (SACCOS) / Financial Co-operatives
Head of Authority:
Sectors being Supervised:
Head of Authority: Mrs Maria Santos
Sectors being Supervised:
Head of Authority: Mr Ernesto Gouveia Gove
Sectors being Supervised: Non-Bank Financial Industry, Stock Market, Collective Investment Schemes (CIS), CIS Managers, Central Securities Depository, Brokers and Dealers.
Head of Authority: Mr Unathi Kamlana
Sectors being Supervised: Banking and Non-banking Financial Services Industry, including Retirement Funds, Friendly Societies, Life and Non-Life Insurers, Financial Markets, Collective Investments Schemes, Financial Advisors and Intermediaries Credit Rating Agencies, Banks, Payment and Credit Services.
Head of Authority: Mr Kuben Naidoo
Sectors being Supervised: Monetary Policy, Financial Stability, Prudential Regulation, Financial Markets, Financial Surveillance, Payments and Settlements, Statistics, Research, Banknotes and Coins
Head of Authority:Dr Sipho Kabane
Sectors being Supervised: Healthcare
Head of Authority: Mr Nicodemus Mkama
Sectors being Supervised: Securities Dealers, Securities Investment Advisors, Securities Trustees, Securities Investment Management, Securities Custodians, Electronic Securities Services Providers, Financial Journalism, Clearing and Settlement System, Securities Exchanges and Central Securities Depositories
Head of Authority: Dr Mussa C. Juma
Sectors being Supervised: Insurance
Head of Authority: Mr Emmanuel M. Tutuba
Sectors being Supervised: Microfinance and Financial Co-operatives
Head of Authority: Mr Phillip Chitalu
Sectors being Supervised: Capital Markets
Head of Authority: Mr Martin Libinga
Sectors being Supervised: Pensions and Insurance
Head of Authority: Ms Freda Tamba
Sectors being Supervised: Non-bank financial institutions including microfinance Institutions (MICRO CREDIT) and commercial banks.
Head of Authority: Mr Tafadzwa Chinamo
Sectors being Supervised: Securities Dealing (Stockbroking) firms, Securities Investment Advisory firms, Securities Trustee firms, Securities Investment (Asset) Management firms, Securities Custodial firms, Securities Transfer Secretaries, Securities Exchanges and Central Securities Depositories
Head of Authority: Dr Grace Muradzikwa
Sectors being Supervised: Insurance Companies and Private Occupational Pensions Funds
Head of Authority: Mr Norman Mataruka
Sectors being Supervised: Banking and Microfinance institutions
The Committee of Insurance, Securities and Non-Banking Financial Authorities (CISNA) was established in 1998, pursuant to Annexure 10 of the SADC Protocol on Finance and Investment as a committee of authorities responsible for the supervision of insurance, securities, and non-banking financial institutions (NBFI) in SADC Member States. CISNA is part of the Directorate of Finance, Investment and Customs of the SADC Secretariat and reports to the SADC Committee of Ministers of Finance and Investment through the Committee of Senior Treasury Officials.